WE ARE HERE: An Artist's Guide to Building Community Art. Letterpressed handmade book. Documentary art piece celebrating We Are Here event in Saint Paul, MN, funded by the Irrigate Project on community placemaking by Springboard for the Arts. This book was self published in 2012 by Rose Holdorf and can be found through the Macalester College Library Catalog.
Beneath the Pavement, the Beach CMYK silk screen, vellum, foam cord, paint, and hand-sewn pillow letters. A collaboration between six members of Living Proof Print Collective presented at the 801 Gallery in Minneapolis, MN, 2012.
Sous les Paves, la Plage (translation: Beneath the Pavement, the Beach) silk screen. February Calendar edition with Living Proof Print Collective, 2011.
ART HERE silk screen, fabric marker, wire grid. A community art project and collaboration with Living Proof Print Collective, this piece is a Participatory Banner Installation at Art Happens Here Irrigate Celebration. October 27, 2012. Installed until March 2012 at 262 W. University Ave.
DEEPleting Obsoleting Suicide linoleum relief and photopolymer print, 2010. This print reconnects media objects to natural resources. It includes a montage of found images relating to the recent oil spill off of the Gulf Coast depicted through four iPhone interface frames. Media commodities, like the iPhone, are fetishized because the use-values of the products, relating to communication and media consumption, are disconnected not only from the chain of production but also from its physical object.
Tree House Photopolymer print, 2010.
Oft in Beauty She Walks the Night: An Exquisite Corpse Silk screen, 2010.
Rose has practiced Printmaking since 2008. Under Professor Ruthann Godollei at Macalester College, she learned print techniques including limestone lithography, letterpress, intaglio, linoleum relief, photopolymer relief, and silk screenprinting all with an emphasis on accessibility and politicism of print media.
Rose values print arts as a community-based and accessible medium that flourishes in the Do-It-Yourself culture. Currently Rose practices silk screen and letterpress printmaking through personal and freelance work at her print shop, Plowshares Press, north of Corvallis, Oregon.